Far More Valuable Than Rubies, Gold and Diamonds

On our 30th anniversary in 2002 Bill gave me a lovely delicately-styled gold bracelet with rubies and diamonds. It was a beautiful and sweet surprise. We renewed our vows that year.

Unfortunately, in November of 2013, while our home was being remodeled a tile contractor broke into a locked chest and stole it and other jewelry. Though some of the jewelry was recovered, that bracelet never was…

Later, Bill gave me a ruby necklace gracefully styled in a manner similar to the bracelet…

On 7/22/2012, our 40th anniversary I had written this:

“Proverbs 31: 10- “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.” I am grateful to God that He is continuing to work on me to make me a wife worthy of rubies to my husband. For every wife desiring to glorify God, honor her husband and be worthy of that description, there is a husband who is submitted to Christ and who is also more valuable than gold or diamonds. I thank God that He showed me on the day that I met Bill that he was the one for me!”