In All Things…..Trust God

I saw that a friend had posted this on Feb. 4,2022;

“My husband and I were talking on the phone yesterday as he was driving. We were talking about all the stress we were under with the many things life has thrown at us lately. It’s like when one thing goes wrong, it becomes a domino effect. He has been really anxious and worried. He was asking why can’t we just get a break? I was telling him that we have to trust God and that he puts pressure on us sometimes to get our attention or to teach us something. As I was talking he interrupted me by saying “God is at work to make us who He intends us to be”. I could tell he was reading it off of something and I asked him what it was. He said “I just passed a sign that said that”. He turned around to read it again. We both knew right away that it was God speaking to both of us. We were literally talking about what is God trying to do in us and in our family and he answered us on the spot. It was so profound and amazing, just thought I’d share. 🙏🏼🙌😊”

My reply: Makes me see in my mind’s eye a portable digital road sign and orange pylons in the road and a large sign that says, “Caution: God at work. Drive with care.” I think your conversation will preach. That’s how the Gospel sneaks up on us… while we’re traveling along the road, talking, just like the two on the road to Emmaus….

God will and does use anything He chooses, any time, any where to speak to us…. it is clearly, a function of His timeless and omniscient foreknowledge of our every thought, need, movement we make, how He can place a 2×4 so strategically and tactically in front of our forehead to awaken us to His Presence and Purpose.

I told a pastor once that when I came to know myself as a Beloved Daughter of The Most High God there were no more coincidences…. that my eyes were, from that moment on, opened to the reality of God With Me Always. The more I was alert to His Ways and acknowledged His ways and thanked Him, the more He allowed me to see His Presence in the midst of my circumstances.

I’ve learned, however, that just because I can see God present in the midst of my circumstances He seldom gives me distinct vision for how it is all going to work out….. just gives me to comfort to know I can trust Him however it goes. In fact, I often have a sense that the outcome could clearly go one of several ways and yet I know without a doubt, whatever happens, it’ll be alright because He is with me.

In July 2020 as COVID hospitalizations and deaths mounted and we felt our comfortable routines further disrupted, our access to family and friends dwindled leaving us isolated, and feeling increasing risk to health I put these things before the Lord and said, “Surely there will be breakthroughs that will restore a measure of normalcy….. are we almost to that point, Lord?” As clearly as I have ever heard the Lord speak in my spirit He said, “Not even close.” Barely two months later I was struggling to recover from COVID and my husband was dead. But God was as close and His grace as sufficient as ever, in spite of the sorrow. I have not asked such an impertinent and forward-leaning question again. Just taking one day at the time….. seldom surprised, but hopeful in spite of all.