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Laughable Politics

June 17,2018 “The media is all up in arms over Trump’s off-the-cuff impromptu interview statement Friday morning about the way Kim’s people sit up and pay attention when he speaks and Trump saying he wants “his people” to do the...

Trusting Ultimate Divine Agency

…”God’s words to Moses are — ‘I will take pity on whom I take pity and be merciful to whom I am merciful.” God does not owe me any explanations. His actions are based on His complete knowledge of individuals’ hearts, experiences,...

Math Life

In high school I won an award one year for the highest grades in Algebra. Later some testing done while being considered for a promotion stated I had set a new record of achievement in the company’s testing for abstract thinking and mathematics. All I can say is...

Friends of God

The movement from servant to friend. John 15:15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends. Up to this point it strikes me Jesus did not look at or consider his disciples as friends. They...

Discovering Family History

Family History:  (CBB 6/12/2018) Bill and I attended a funeral in MOntgomery today. It was a first cousin of his, Marie Echols, who died last week at 94. Her children gave Bill this picture of his father, William Harry Byrd, who had been her uncle, on the left in his...

“Becoming” Through Self Improvement

This is a “mindfulness” coach’s perspective on taking charge of your life and making a change for the better. The definition of “recovery” , in her case,from PTSD. At the heart of this is basic cognitive behavioral therapy. CBT. This embraces the culture’s view of...

Blaspheming The Holy Spirit

I got this message from a former student and friend who asked: Hi Mrs. C, when you get a chance, could you please help me understand this? I randomly came across the scripture in my Bible study yesterday after speaking with a friend about the seriousness of blasphemy...

To Whom Shall I Be A Neighbor?

Cared-for people care for people. The  lesson of the Good Samaritan…. Learn the Spirit lesson of caring neighborliness….. Gratitude for the love and care of God and his instruments of grace will challenge us to live like Jesus. Not “Who is my...


Dr Henry Cloud…. “There’s this idea that time heals all wounds, and it’s a very popular one. At the same time, that kind of thinking can be a big source of pain for a lot of people. Time passing by itself doesn’t do much for us at all. It’s all of...

Sharing In The Suffering of Christ

Sharing in the Suffering of Christ…….. A thought shared in social media by a friend, from C.S Lewis, and worth remembering; . “In Gethsemane, the holiest of all petitioners prayed three times that a certain cup might pass from Him. It did not.” C.S.Lewis...