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This is a photo from today’s date, Sept 5, two years ago in 2022 of our great grandson being read to by his father. My granddaughter sent it out on our family text group back then. She said Lewis (15 months old at that time) loves to have the same book read to him...

Kitty Years

I saw this post today on social media “Memories”…. (From 8/31/2012 CBB) “We have a little one-eyed kitty we adopted in January of this year named Minnie. She got an injury to the cornea of her good eye and has been at the veterinarian now for a week in an attempt to...

A Glance Back…

(8/31/2017 CBB) Two headlines today: “Obama says sex education for kindergarteners is ‘right thing to do’ ” and “Two women gang-raped by 10-12 juveniles”. This is what happens when a society cultivates an appetite by sexualizing our...

The Necessity of Forgiveness

(8/31/18. CBB) I serve a useful purpose in life…..I give lots of people the opportunity to explore and practice forgiveness! A friend shared this bit of wisdom she had seen: ”Just saw this quote on my friend’s page…..”“Fellowship with God and being useful to Him does...

Axing Anxiety

(8/31/19) Yesterday I had a sudden, bona fide all-out, in-my-face panic response to an emotional trigger. I logically knew what was happening to me physiologically and emotionally and could not stop it. I’ve watched enough people in panic and waited it out with them...

A Penny’s Worth of Honesty

“Honesty is such a candidly refreshing thing…. and stands out like a beautiful flowering tree when observed in someone whose otherwise anonymous posture is not forced to tender it. A mere penny’s worth of honesty is so much more valuable than a bank account full...

Love As I Have Loved

In Matthew 22:27 Jesus gives a concise summary of the Old Testament Law and Prophets in response to the cagey goading of the Pharisees: 34 Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. 35 One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with...

Determined Even Then

(CBB 8/31/22) Does anything say, “Go ahead, underestimate me….let’s see what happens”….. than the slight forward lean of the torso and head, set of the jaw, scrutinizing look of the eyes, Mona Lisa-esque non-committal mouth, and crossed arms of this...

August 27, 2024. 4:44a.m.

My eyes opened as my waking consciousness stirred from slumber. I looked toward the ceiling at the red projection of the time from the bedside clock. My Mother had given it to Bill and me as a Christmas gift at some point in the last ten or so years. ”4:44”- an...

Deleting subscribers….

It appears that this blog has been hit by a large number of bots….fake users intended to take down the system . Therefore I am deleting all subscribers at this time. Those of you who are real persons will know where to fine me.😊