Consider THIS from a Friend: “If you doubt that GOD could love you and still allow you to experience difficulties in life, look at JESUS’ life. Born sinless, went 33 years without sinning 1 time, GOD spoke aloud 2 times saying how proud HE was of HIM....
i went to see Angel Studio’s “His Only Son” movie this week. Now I need to go see it again. At one point as Abraham knelt in humility and heartbreak before the Angel of the Lord, the theophany of God, His hand reached out to him in what appeared to...
The ISAAC PRINCIPLE revisited: Several years ago I read Carol Kent’s book, “When I Lay My Isaac Down.” From that and other things God was using in my life at the moment, I discovered what I have come to call The Isaac Principle: It is in the...
At 3:23 A.M. today, 6/27/2022, the Lord woke me up reflecting on the past week’s event…. a devotional from The Seedbed Daily Text on Thursday,, 6/23, and the Dobbs case decision from the Supreme Court of the US on Friday, and the alignment of the two with...
“Abraham told his servants: “Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and then we will come back to you.” Abraham knew. It was as though God quietly messaged Abraham somewhere along the way on this three day walk, “I need you...