This was from six years ago…… I’ve had this almost exact conversation more than a few times. “Last week I was talking with someone who had experienced disappointment in some people because they didn’t let her do what she wanted. They held her to a...
What does being in “covenant” with someone mean to you? Answering one another’s calls or emails? Being available to assist or provide guidance in times of need? Offering concerns about one another’s conduct promptly? Being willing to help seek...
One meme on Facebook offered this: “Jesus sat down and ate with sinners, did he not? That doesn’t mean he supported what they did. But it also didn’t keep him from loving them.” I have been pondering the nature of godly love and what...
Accountability- the quality or state of being accountable; especially : an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions. Integrity- the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness; the state...
My car is back in the shop today for some of its 140,000 mile service after a quick oil change and airbag warranty service yesterday….It’s 2006 Honda Element I’ve had 3 years and it had 53,000 miles when I got it. The service rep said, “You...