by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Mar 29, 2024 | marriage, Uncategorized, Wisdom
Bathsheba’s ( And Eve’s) Actions in Perspective I had previously written about Bathsheba and Eve, in discussing their roles and those of the men associated with each woman in the sins committed by each and who, in God’s opinion appears to have been...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Aug 20, 2022 | Holy Spirit
Jesus’ words do not always come to us in seeming gentleness and with hope, but convicting and with warning…….unless we are able to read with hearts that are open to his own heart, with minds that desire to know his own mind. I”m preaching on...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Sep 20, 2018 | spiritual life
Jesus ministered to all – sinner and saved alike- everywhere he went. He fellowshipped with the disciples who were with him most of the time for 3 years. But he enjoyed close community with Peter, James and John They went places others didn’t and he showed...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Aug 20, 2018 | Lifestyle Choices, spiritual life, Teaching
Latin admonere “bring to mind, remind, suggest;” also “warn, advise, urge,” from ad- “to” + monere “advise, warn” Admonish: to caution, advise, or counsel against something; to reprove or scold. We urge you, brethren,...