Psalm 27:13 “I would have despaired had I not believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord In the land of the living.” The alarming increase among children, youth, and adults of depression, suicide, and a variety of other mental health dysfunctions...
This little piece of wood with a cross and two sheep brings to mind a biblical image of one’s soul being ‘cast down’. Although it looks like the one little sheep closest to the cross on its back may be playfully rolling around, it is actually...
“Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future but from wanting to control it.” Kahlil Gibran Truth can be found in lots of places because truth is truth. I have become convinced that depression and anxiety are flip sides of the same...
“Jesus didn’t wait for a crowd of perfectly well adjusted disciples to turn up; he appointed a real mixed bag of personalities, in spite of their weaknesses and struggles. There’s a place for everyone in the Church and it breaks my heart when I hear...
“All is not lost if you fall into a black hole – you could simply pop up in another universe, according to Stephen Hawking. The celebrated physicist has a new theory about where lost information ends up after being sucked into a black hole, a place where gravity...