At DIG this week we talked about activities in which we engage to find COMFORT, UNDERSTANDING, or RELIEF in our lives. Here’s the list we made. Add others that you think of! Companion animals Prescription medications People who listen and help us gain...
When you’re staring at your past, strewn with disappointments, it’s difficult to see your future, just as it’s difficult to drive when you’re constantly looking in your rearview mirror. Tony Evans There was a time in my life when I was “stuck”, looking in...
I have been writing, in small doses with short descriptive stories, about an experience that happened after a tumble into depression that went undiagnosed for over a year when I was in my early 40’s. After I shared with my doctor that “something just...
Anne Lamott’s personal page bio includes this: “Twenty-three years ago a very hung-over Anne Lamott stumbled into a small church and started what was to be a long journey towards sobriety and sanity. There were no instant miracles on that road, but many...
The article below on Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome makes some interesting points. One observation by counselors at Titus 2 is that many who come to long term recovery from detox feel badly for quite a while. For many it may even take two to three months to feel...