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Vonnegut: Perspective on Failure

By Kurt Vonnegut:  (posted 12/21/2020 by Michael Busch) “When I was 15, I spent a month working on an archeological dig. I was talking to one of the archeologists one day during our lunch break and he asked those kinds of “getting to know you” questions you ask young...

Promoting Mental Fitness

Promoting Mental Fitness! Inspired by Bibical Counseling Coalition’s “What Do You Do With A Diagnosis?”, this is what we do at Titus 2 Partnership. Biblical understanding of one’s true identity in Christ constructs a bridge from an...

Ministry, Not Just Methods

“When the church takes seriously its call to facilitate healing and life transformation as the Body of Christ, the world will be a different place…… one person at the time. We must reclaim a holistic view of what “abundant living” can be and help people achieve...

Facing Bullies

12/6/2014 I have been surprised by the behavior of some people who made a pretty good show of attempting to intimidate and bully me. Those who know me could have saved these individuals some embarrassment and wasted time by telling them that threats or coercion...

In Recovery: Mania

Watching someone struggle with manic symptoms and/or anxiety and attempting to help her feel safe and grounded can be a challenge. …..while waiting the few days it can take for meds to begin their work. Simply listening can be helpful. Attentive supportive...