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Holding Forth Hope

From May 1, 2015: Some things never change. It is interesting to consider the things that are on one’s mind and heart upon arising. Bill was telling me about his dream. It was about real people Just a brief cameo moment in which he recognized them. But it is a...

Dreams of Family

Journaled: “March 5, 2021- Yesterday I spent time framing some of my favorite pictures of Bill and of the two of us. It was a sweet, comforting time of remembering our life together over the decades. As a result of such consoling activity, my reward was a sweet...

Visiting Daddy

I had a sweet dream last night and I think I know where it came from….Harper Lee died last Friday, on my birthday. I had purchased her second novel ,”Go Set a Watchman”, a sequel to her Pulitzer Prize winning novel “To Kill a...

This Isn’t Recovery

Recovery is “a process of change through which people improve their health and wellness, live self-directed lives, and strive to reach their full potential.” (US government, as defined by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.” In...

Dreams of Heaven

A young discipleship student with a lot of prior history of trauma and PTSD calls me frequently to discuss her dreams and seek help in gleaning the meaning that lies in them. Her dreams were, when we first met, nightmares of snarling, foreboding demons and feelings of...