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Love Overcomes

Love Overcomes

Procrastinator’s hope: “The nice thing about things that are urgent is that if you wait long enough they aren’t urgent anymore.” Amos Tversky, psychologist It is interesting how, when life goes off the rails, one can completely disengage from...

Trauma, Comfort, Hope, and Peace

There is a lot of conversation around the issue of trauma-informed care these days for counselors, pastors, and others. My own experience of a traumatic event led me to discover some key principles in dealing with trauma in those I counsel. It is always the case that...

From Trauma to Transformation

In an article in a recent professional publication, William L. White, MA, an addiction counselor for 26 years, writes about a 17 year study in Illinois communities of traumatized women whose addiction led them to abuse or neglect their children. Project SAFE...