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Devastation Grief

The devastation of the landscape is as heartbreaking to many of us as our own personal property losses. The barrenness of the trees, the yards and roadsides still destroyed by fallen trees and heavy equipment, continued trash in many places, businesses and some homes...

Hurricane Michael Recovery

10/18/18 Post Hurricane Michael Recovery Status: whelmed, but not overly so. Thanks for prayers We are safe , secure and waterproofed now at the Byrd house. Adjuster scheduled for Nov 2. Titus 2 residence is windblown and tattered but standing. Some water damage to...

CAT 5: Wind Is Wind

The day after the Hurricane Michael that hit 10/10/18 Bill said,”well, we can cross surviving a CAT 5 hurricane off our bucket list.” Me: “What bucket list? I didn’t know we had a list.” Reports have said Michel’s winds were 2mph below CAT 5 rating. I’ve discovered...