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Happiness Vs. Joy

Happiness is a temporary, transient state dependent upon the circumstances in which one finds herself. Joy is a growing consistency of positive emotional well-being, that transforms into an eternity-minded state of being, that incorporates the peace, gratitude, and...
Little Gifts of Joy

Little Gifts of Joy

After a very full week I took a few hours late Saturday afternoon for self care and enjoying the company of my son and daughter in love as they watched football at my home. I went to bed at 9 with a feeling of contentment. I awoke refreshed and full of anticipation...
Come and Share in Your Master’s Joy

Come and Share in Your Master’s Joy

I heard a statement recently that resonated so strongly in my spirit, it was as if I were realizing something significant for the first time. It was not actually all that profound….just common sense…..and, indeed, quite biblical. I had just never heard it put so...

Isn’t It A Wonder…….

“Wisdom begins in wonder.” -Socrates A few years ago a friend gave me a book entitled “Recapture the Wonder” by Ravi Zacharias. In it he invites readers to “break free from the weariness and cynicism of life to enjoy God’s amazing...