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……..”My Grandmother.”……..That is the most common answer. “To what?”, you might ask? To the question: “Who represented Christ for you in your life? Who showed you something of God’s character when you were...

Train Up A Child

I am so very blessed to have been raised in a family in which a commitment to being in church/VBS/Sunday School was made by our parents. There was a spiritual foundation that came from my early training that I was able to build on as an adult. (Hmmmmm, I think God...

A Failure of Parenting

A SILENT TRAGEDY There is a silent tragedy that is unfolding today in our homes, and concerns our most precious jewels: our children. Our children are in a devastating emotional state! In the last 15 years, researchers have given us increasingly alarming statistics on...

Parenting Goal

“The most important thing that parents can teach their children is how to get along without them.” – Frank Clark – Our German daughter, who spent time in our home as an exchange student, sent this quote several years ago. She is stating...