by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Jul 7, 2022 | culture, family, perseverance
A Blank Book of Pages The first school in which we enroll, and the most important in shaping our future, is our home. A casual view of modern TV shows might lead us to believe that parents don’t matter. I contend that nothing matters more. When Benjamin West was a...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Jun 27, 2022 | family
……..”My Grandmother.”……..That is the most common answer. “To what?”, you might ask? To the question: “Who represented Christ for you in your life? Who showed you something of God’s character when you were...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Jun 8, 2022 | Teaching
I am so very blessed to have been raised in a family in which a commitment to being in church/VBS/Sunday School was made by our parents. There was a spiritual foundation that came from my early training that I was able to build on as an adult. (Hmmmmm, I think God...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Mar 22, 2022 | childhood memories, culture
A SILENT TRAGEDY There is a silent tragedy that is unfolding today in our homes, and concerns our most precious jewels: our children. Our children are in a devastating emotional state! In the last 15 years, researchers have given us increasingly alarming statistics on...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Mar 4, 2022 | family
“The most important thing that parents can teach their children is how to get along without them.” – Frank Clark – Our German daughter, who spent time in our home as an exchange student, sent this quote several years ago. She is stating...