I had written about Judas and his descent into despair and suicide after his betrayal of Jesus and about Peter’s response to the same sense of failure and betrayal. When one rejects condemnation from the enemy, embraces the convicting work of the Holy Spirit...
I described myself in a social media setting as as “molded by Wesleyan theology, love the Word and Spirit, believe social holiness arises from personal holiness and am called to spread scriptural holiness to the world.” I was asked what’s the...
All righteousness of mankind is “as filthy rags”… only the righteousness of God- His grace, mercy, justice, and favor poured out as a blessing to all people of all nations- will provide the safety and nurture every child, every family...
Justification is a solitary covenant with God. Sanctification is a communal process of shared covenant to encourage, spur one another on, and live out the “one another’s” lived and taught by Jesus Christ. Justification occurs at a point in time,...
Evening meditation: The Lord has had me for several days reflecting on the dual nature of one’s relationship with Him….captivated by His steadfast love AND enjoying intimate fellowship through living in righteousness. And the reality that we can know that...