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Stranger Danger and Spring Break

Why “no alcohol on beaches” is a good thing during Spring Break….. from a 3/14/2015 post: “I heard about a sad account of a young lady assaulted by two guys with intent to rape her yesterday at PCB. Everyone involved was drinking. She got away but...

Self Respect and Boundaries

From 8/24/2014. CBB   Saw this on a friend’s facebook this morning……”Just because I cut someone out of my life does not mean I hate the person….it simply means I respect myself.” In recovery ministry we often have to help our...

Values and Boundaries

  Our willingness to set or embrace boundaries is a function of the values we hold. It’s important to know what they are, which are non-negotiable and which are permeable and may be superceded by higher-ranking values. Titus 2 ladies today reviewed an...

Henry Cloud on Boundaries

From Dr Henry Cloud “Being emotionally present and connected while we are confronting another person is the first essential of a good conversation. It truly requires a work of grace in us. Being present refers to being in touch and in tune with our own feelings...

Guard Your Heart

Lord, teach me to listen. The times are noisy and my ears are weary with the thousand raucous sounds which continuously assault them. Give me the spirit of the boy Samuel when he said to You, “Speak, for Your servant hears.” Let me hear You speaking in my...

Authenticity Incited Criticism

  “If we were able to put aside our need for approval long enough to be authentic, then, surely, we would be living as the church.(Sheila Walsh)” This is a nice sentiment and has a Christian ring to it. i really appreciate Sheila Walsh and have great...