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Deconstructing Faith

Some have mocked the distress and angst supposedly expressed by evangelicals over so many young people’s “deconstruction” of their faith and why it is essentially not a rejection of Jesus, but is rejection of institutionalism and politicalization of...

Journaling With Purpose

Building Positive self- identity and resilience are skills we work on ….. From 2018: A conversation on resilience by Sharyl Sandberg and Adam Grant: Adam: There’s research suggesting that journaling can be really helpful in this process (of building self...

Becoming Perfect-Butterfly Style

In our ministry we relate the spiritual growth of a person to that of a butterfly’s life cycle: first is the initial stage-the egg. It contains all the potential that will be needed to become what God intended. As it becomes an immature caterpillar it eats, grows and...
Stages of Faith Development

Stages of Faith Development

(The header photo is a downed pine near the school gym where my church met for a year and a half after Hurricane Michael.  From the road it looked like rays of sun radiating from its smiley face center!)   Charles Westerhoff, a Christian educator, described...

Ancient Paths of Spiritual Life

1/19/2021; The ancient Fathers and Mothers of our faith taught 3 stages of growing in Christ: Purgative- the first stage of recognizing, repenting, and separating from the world and the things that tempt and keep us in bondage to sin. Illuminative- the second stage of...