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Shaken and Aftershocks

From 10/21/2015: “What we learn from experience depends on the kind of philosophy we bring to experience.” C. S. Lewis Yesiree, now isn’t that the truth? Sometimes an experience challenges the philosophy one has, based on prior experience, so...

End times: God’s Next Move?

From 9/12/2017 “Wildfires across the northwest, earthquakes in California and elsewhere, hurricanes in the southeast, crazed dictators threatening nuclear missiles, the constant threat of terrorists, wars and rumors of war, reports of epidemics of antibiotic...

“Under The Earth”

“in heaven and on earth and under the earth”….that’s an odd phrase, don’t you think?. What does “under the earth” mean, especially in light of the other two phrases with which it appears (in context, so to speak.) Is this a...