Seen on Twitter: What’s your favorite “how to read the Bible” book? Several folks were weighing in with various authors’/theologians’ names or titles. My first thought: the Bible itself…. accompanied by prayer for Holy Spirit illumination and conversation with...
From 5/21/2018…. I had a sweet conversation with someone recently who shared with me that she had realized that all these years she’d been reading the Bible in a very simple, literal sense only and missing some of its meaning and richness and personal...
2/21/16 I had a great time preparing and delivering a message “The Name of God“, about God’s nature and our understanding of him for a service at Carillon Beach Chapel. I have preached and taught on this topic before but today seemed more powerful...
Pastor Craig Carter in his sermon on Sunday used a word I have also come to use in referring to our church campus and all church campuses….”outpost.” As a new year has begun, it and the circumstances of recent weeks have aided in a review of our...
satan always blinds your mind to the facts and consequences of your circumstances AT THE MOMENT….. Rev. Charles Stanley (sermon on the prodigal son) living in the moment….. the next step after such a life will always be downward. Wherever you are living...
James 2:12 “Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, 13 because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment.” …..”the law that gives...