At one point a young husband reported that his wife, who was seeing a Christian counselor at the time, was benefitting from what had become more of a discipleship relationship than a therapeutic counseling relationship. I realized that my years in relationship with a...
From 7/22/2021…. Time spent in conversation and prayer with a distraught young lady helping form a healthy, mature reframing of her assumptions about life and changes in the way she views herself and the relationships in her life.” Dealing with flashbacks...
“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” 1 Corinthians 13:11.. Jesus points to children as an example of the kind of faith, love, and trust for Father that he wants to...
One of more than a few “aha” moments that have converged for me is this: I am not a “social justice warrior”. That is the work of people with causes/issues for which to battle. I am an advocate whose task is to battle for a particular person...
Read 2 months into COVID-19 pandemic….. From Columbia University Psychiatry by way of Medscape: What is crisis counseling? A person’s usual adaptive, problem-solving capabilities are often compromised after a disaster, but they are there, and if accessed,...
“Triangles are very strong shapes which makes them important when building strong and stable structures.” This Tweet by Eric Hoke caught my eye. This individual helps pastors leaving ministry find their place...