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God Can Handle My Emotions

“God doesn’t love you any less when you throw a temper tantrum. He doesn’t owe you an explanation, but he is never afraid of what you have to say. So tell him. It’ll be the beginning of healing.” — Pastor Rick Warren Yesterday in a prayer group, the...
Revealing Innate Idolatry

Revealing Innate Idolatry

“Boston pastor Adam Mabry’s book Stop Taking Sides reminded Christians to take elections seriously, but also “trust Jesus, receive peace, and refuse the anxiety that betrays an innate political idolatry.” I never thought rabout how “anxiety betrays an innate...
Good Grief

Good Grief

My husband died last Thursday.  Today a friend acquainted with unhealthy ways of NOT dealing with one’s grief, visited me and admonished me not to stuff my emotions, to take the time to grieve well, to not rush back into the busy-ness of my previous routine too...


This meme spotted on Facebook is a poignant reminder of those days 20+ years ago when we moved our son (at The Citadel) and our daughter (at Birmingham-Southern College) into their dorm rooms to start college. I didn’t cry when we left Billy in Charleston. I was...

Simple Apology

Mother’s Day remembrances have a way of stirring tender and also sometimes painful memories in hearts. I recall a friend who years ago shared a story about a family member, a young girl, who was a lovely child and very sweet. She was also a child who, like myself, was...
The Tears Mean I’m Alive

The Tears Mean I’m Alive

“Cry. Let out a wail if you have to. I am here to walk you safely away from the wreckage of your past. Your heavy heart can’t hold you back if you trust me to carry some of the weight. I will help you to whatever finish line you need to cross to feel you are...