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Measured Expectstions

It seems to me that a lot of one’s issues with disappointment or unhappiness are the direct result of her own expectations. If we expect life to be perfect and easy, then we are going to be disappointed, hurt, angry, and unhappy regularly. If we expect life to...

At Least Show Up

Posted August 14,2014…. Since moving to PC in 1994, I have experienced a number of disappointments with contractors, service people, and others who simply do not show up. There was, however, a cabinet maker who, on his truck, had the sign, “I SHOW...

Sleep Aberrations

We emphasize healthy sleep habits at Titus 2.  Four years ago on a social media site I asked a question: “Is it just me or has anyone else ever experienced this?…..Today I laid down on a quilt on the floor of my office for a short cat nap, feeling very...


From 3/5/20 Whelmed… submerge, engulf, overtake utterly John 21:25 25Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. It’s been one...
Trashy, But Fun

Trashy, But Fun

From January 15, 2019: Seen, post- Hurricane Michael: Hanging on the back of a debris hauler…….ha ha. The energizer bunny? Or signaling that we’ll still be dealing with the trash til Easter? (Maybe he’s holding the Easter Bunny hostage and we...