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Can We Love Enemies, Even Judas?

Someone posted a meme in social media about the mark of Christianity being the ability to love Judas as well as Jesus. I actually have considered that before. If satan had to ask to sift Peter, then he would have also had to ask permission of the sovereign God to sift...

The Standard and Measure of Faith

Every single person has a “measure of faith”. Faith is a human capacity to believe in something, anything. It is the object of one’s faith, the thing(s) in which one believes that define and mold one’s faith. We are all “people of faith” in something. Some objects of...

Goodness of God

The observation below was from 2016….. many times since then the Spirit has moved greatly in my life, at Titus 2, at Lynn Haven UMC and big changes are on the horizon for The UMC and the global church. So many things have changed. Good things continue to be...

Deconstructing Faith

Some have mocked the distress and angst supposedly expressed by evangelicals over so many young people’s “deconstruction” of their faith and why it is essentially not a rejection of Jesus, but is rejection of institutionalism and politicalization of...

My Promised Land

Toby Mac has a song “Promised Land” that asks “Where’s my promised land?” When God pointed my vision to a plowed field on 3/20/1997 he began my journey to find my Promised Land. What God has shown me is that it is my own life lived in Christ that IS my Promised Land…....
Little Gifts of Joy

Little Gifts of Joy

After a very full week I took a few hours late Saturday afternoon for self care and enjoying the company of my son and daughter in love as they watched football at my home. I went to bed at 9 with a feeling of contentment. I awoke refreshed and full of anticipation...