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So blessed to receive this photo from our youngest granddaughter who spotted this beautiful male cardinal outside the library window at her university today. Said it made her think of me….❤️ what a sweet way to be remembered….  from 3/12/22...

Divergent Views: Joseph and Judah

Excerpted from: Grace and Lies: A Mars Hill Story Clifford Smith on January 26, 2023 (Published at Juicy Ecumenism Website) ……Mark Driscoll had had a stormy and controversial history. This author’s story struck me a bit shockingly. This is an...

Family, Church, Community, God and State

“Out of the mouth of babies and infants, you have established strength because of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger.” To what is the Psalmist directing our attention in Psalm 8:2? Anyone with the capacity for compassion and interest in the...

Wings Spread and Soaring

Also two years ago, from our oldest granddaughter… posted1/15/2021: Announcement from our oldest granddaughter, Catie Byrd Kelley who will soon be graduating from Mercer Law School. Woohoo! Shout out to you, Catie! So proud of you and all our grand girls! “I am...