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For We Don’t Have To Grieve Like These…

Bill died two years ago today.  The memory of that day is still very fresh  thank God for my sister’s presence with me during those days. I am blessed to have known Bill’s devotion to the Lord and have assurance of his abiding with the Lord now.  Not...

See the Light. Be the Light.

I have written before about the phenomenon of observing light in a person.  The first time I witnessed   it was in 1995.  It was in an individual with terminal cancer with whom I had prayed for months about issues of unforgiveness. I had been under a heavy burden of...

Laughing Again, Even In Grief

Inspirational humorist, Patricia Lorenz is a writer and speaker who entertains an audience and packs a wallop with her take-away messages. Readers of her thirteen original books and many contributions to the Chicken Soup series enjoy her unique perspective on life,...

Loss and Lament

Loss and lament bring opportunities to be drawn deeper into the loving heart of God the Father, into the mind of Jesus Christ Man of Sorrows, into the comfort of the Holy Spirit consolation…….who know both intimately. CBByrd 7/19/22

Death: poem By William Cullen Bryant

So live, that when thy summons comes to join The innumerable caravan which moves To that mysterious realm, where each shall take His chamber in the silent halls of death, Thou go not, like the quarry-slave at night Scourged to his dungeon, but sustained and soothed By...

Saying Goodbye With Grace

5/27/14  by Joni Byrd Saying Goodbye with Grace I am studying for a degree in counseling, and in a textbook, I recently read a statement about hospice care that really caught my attention. The book stated that it is often during the last days, hours, or even minutes...