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Ordinary Miracles

June 9,2014; Lump……. prayers……..then, no lump……..and a prayer of gratitude! Pastor Jim Luther always challenges us not to just blow off such events…..we are witnesses to the power of prayer and the recipients of miracles far...

Mental Health and The Church

Mental Health and the Church: “Jesus didn’t wait for a crowd of perfectly well adjusted disciples to turn up; he appointed a real mixed bag of personalities, in spite of their weaknesses and struggles. There’s a place for everyone in the Church and it breaks my heart...

When Appetite Declines

Barbara Bush died three years ago. Dr. Marc Siegel, calling Barbara Bush a pioneer, observed that she led the way in choosing well for end-of-life considerations. “When do you conclude you’ve come to the end of your life? There are questions and more questions....

Recovery Living Lab

We tell the women of Titus 2 that our program is like a “living laboratory” for life recovery. Yes, they study and there are classes…..but as much as anything the life lessons occur in the day to day doing of life together- students and mentors. Each...

Conceal, Reveal, Deal, Heal

I was talking to a friend about some things she had shared with me and others about a family situation. I observed that there seemed to be a number of family “secrets” and adults trying to protect one another. All of this appears to be granting power and...

Healing Spirit, Soul, and Body

I had written about a message by Charles Stanley two years ago on this day,  Tonight as I was reminded of it I realized I had almost the exact conversation with a discipleship student this afternoon! What do we do when faced with the consequences of a faith failure?...