A prayer partner, close confidential friend and I have a particular interest in scientific evidence of God’s work in creation, including some aspects of biblical numerology or what the Hebrews call “sacred geometry.”. She had sent me a brief video...
There are days in which one is just more certain than on others that God has ordered one’s steps in ways beyond her understanding because one has been found in places, with people, in conversations, or with thoughts having arisen that simply could not have come...
“Gratefulness is more than a feeling that comes over us when good things happen. It’s an active search to notice and be present to the goodness already around us — gaining eyes to see and ears to hear the abundance God has woven into the world.” (...
Jesus’ words do not always come to us in seeming gentleness and with hope, but convicting and with warning…….unless we are able to read with hearts that are open to his own heart, with minds that desire to know his own mind. I”m preaching on...
I have written before about the phenomenon of observing light in a person. The first time I witnessed it was in 1995. It was in an individual with terminal cancer with whom I had prayed for months about issues of unforgiveness. I had been under a heavy burden of...
In writing about spiritual formation under the authority of the Hily Spirit, JD Walt, author of the Seedbed Daily text wrote: “There is a missing middle movement here. It is the Holy Spirit’s work of actuation. This will require the development of the most...