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Love & Hate

There’s a devotional group I’m in that’s been contemplating the topic of love.  I’ve shared before that I think we have the wrong concept not only of love, but also of hate. Hate in biblical terms means to separate ourselves from the acts or...

On A Doctrine Of Love

In a recent devotional from JD Walt asked had we considered that the church has no “doctrine of love” and wouldn’t it be a good thing to have? I contemplated his question for several days before he got back to it today in a devotional in...

Love Thy Neighbor

“When you’re willing to wade into someone else’s troubles to help that person hold up under the weight, two things happen. First, he or she receives desperately needed blessings in the form of aid, support, and love. And second, you fulfill God’s command to love...

Freedom In Christ

Freedom in Christ…..Not freedom FROM,  but freedom TO exercise wisdom and godly choices. The higher responsibility to which grace calls the faithful is the Spirit of the Law, which is much higher than the Letter of the Law. This is what Christ means by saying He...

Loving Yourself

In February 2018 our pastor preached a series of sermons on relationships. The final message was on relationship with ourselves. The quality of our life is dependent on relationships. We are told to love others as ourselves. We try to hide our lack of self-Love in...

Thoughts On Love….

Following is part of a sermon on Advent themes-hope, peace, joy, and love- that I wrote 12/6/19… as I have been pondering on how diversely, narrowly and even incomprehensibly some define “love.” “Consider Love. What do we know about the love of...