May 22, 2020, 5:14 PM Someone wrote “the highest value in America is freedom. The highest value in the Bible is love “ The highest VIRTUE (attribute of God that originates with God and is revealed and defined by the Word of God) is LOVE that is sacrificial-...
One meme on Facebook offered this: “Jesus sat down and ate with sinners, did he not? That doesn’t mean he supported what they did. But it also didn’t keep him from loving them.” I have been pondering the nature of godly love and what...
Thinking About Real Love Two Essential Elements of Love In God’s Image I’ve had several opportunities recently to reflect on the subject of “love”.. mostly in regard to Advent themes and the love of God for us and the call for us to love God AND love...
I know this is one of the aspects of fruit of the Spirit, and I agree that kindness is important. I have even been praying for a more consistent expressing of kindness and gentleness in my life, neither of which I get regularly accused of having in any significant...
Sinful conduct separates us from fellowship with Holy God but never from the steadfast love of God. It may also separate us from fellowship with other people even though their love for us continues as well. I’ve seen this over and over in life recovery counseling...
One social media post urged readers to “Help others, even when you know they can’t help you back.” I don’t expect anyone to help me back when I help them …..but it does make me wonder when someone I’m helping thinks it’s okay to play me and...