I was talking to a counselor recently and we discovered we both have the same little plaque prominently displayed in our respective offices: “It is what it is.” That is a phrase that I have been known to use from time to time with individuals who have had...
There are more and more articles showing up about disorders that are manifested in obsessive and/or inappropriate “selfies”. Notice some of the comments at the end of this article. This one in particular resonates with my experience: “The Article implies...
I have been writing, in small doses with short descriptive stories, about an experience that happened after a tumble into depression that went undiagnosed for over a year when I was in my early 40’s. After I shared with my doctor that “something just...
Anne Lamott’s personal page bio includes this: “Twenty-three years ago a very hung-over Anne Lamott stumbled into a small church and started what was to be a long journey towards sobriety and sanity. There were no instant miracles on that road, but many...
The word “affirmation” has been presented in some contexts in a way that makes it appear downright negative, implying unhealthy neediness and codependency and a lack of personal self-worth……The need for affirmation is a legitimate human...
Today, the day after Christmas, is the second biggest shopping day of the year….and the one in which many gifts are being returned to stores. This blog post reflects thoughts that came after reading Jennifer Rothschild’s devotional today, “How to...