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This is why Titus 2’s curriculum and my approach to counseling includes values self-assessment and clarification, emotional literacy discussions, and biblical relationship principles Self-discovery under the illuminating light of the Holy Spirit is a potentially...

Why We Accept So Few in Titus 2

You know, I’ve learned so much in these 15 years of working with women saying they want recovery. That is NOT the same as wanting to transform one’s life. If one can’t clearly state that she’s had enough of the old way and knows that...

Recovery Rationales

Just an observation……double-minded thinking reflected in memes about addiction: In one post: “Addicts are good people…..they are victims of a disease and they can’t help it.” In the very next post “Recovery …is a choice,...

Expecting “Perfect”

I’ve been having some ❤️2 ❤️ conversations with an individual who has struggled with relapses- a bad relationship, a chemical substance, a negative way of thinking….but the conclusion she’s arrived at is that much of it boils down to self-sabotage and repeated...

Rough Days In Ministry

12/22/2012 Today was one of those days….the ecstasy of victory, the agony of defeat……(or something like that from an old television promotion for a sports program, I think). I had the privilege of watching the awkward but loving embraces of a family...