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Moving To Pilgrimage In The Word

Lesson in immersion…. Some are armchair viewers… they watch iMax images and, for a moment, see and experience through others’ eyes the beauty of new adventures captured by people they haven’t known. They seek information out of curiosity....

Importance of Doctrine

From a post 11/15/2014…. “And if they ever saw your heart, they’d see too much…..You are treasured, you are sacred, you are His……You’re beautiful……. Listening to WOW Christian mix on ipod and reading some of...

The Nazarene – Designer Original

For those fasting and praying today, consider this; Nazarites were to be OT examples of holiness in the world. They were to live by a strict set of rules and be an example to the world of righteous living. Some performed that role better than others. When they were...