Less of me…… more of Thee…… And we shall be changed……. Inspired by my bedside digital clock at 2:00 in the morning. I awoke. Looked at it and saw within the hollow center of the digital “zero” a cross! Bill says awaking in the middle of...
What is one thing God has taught you during this Advent season that you want to keep close to your heart? Though timeless, God abides in each second. Though without a physical body, God abides in anybody who invites him in. Matthew 4:16 “The people living in...
When a man and woman get married, if each brings priority of life in Christ to the relationship and manages to negotiate the currents and stay in the boat, they are probably able to understand quantum mechanics. Last night Bill and I watched Einstein’s Quantum...
Jesus ministered to all – sinner and saved alike- everywhere he went. He fellowshipped with the disciples who were with him most of the time for 3 years. But he enjoyed close community with Peter, James and John They went places others didn’t and he showed...
“Sin remains sin, no matter how emotive or empathetic we might be towards the sinner. It does not matter if the sinner is ourselves, our nearest and dearest, friends, or strangers. All sin is worthy of death, and that must be our response to it. We have no right...
Latin admonere “bring to mind, remind, suggest;” also “warn, advise, urge,” from ad- “to” + monere “advise, warn” Admonish: to caution, advise, or counsel against something; to reprove or scold. We urge you, brethren,...