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Serpents, Doves, and Opportunism

Serpents, Doves, and Opportunism

“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves.” Matthew 10:16 These are among Jesus’ words to his disciples, the Twelve, as he was preparing them to be sent, two by two, out into the world. He commended the...
Water Signs, Jonah, and Repentance

Water Signs, Jonah, and Repentance

There are moments when the Scriptures just all seem to “fall into place” and you go “Hmmmph, well I’ll be!” Today was one of those days. In our study of Genesis we were discussing Rebekah and Isaac. The author was reflecting on “typology” and how the Old Testament...

It’s All A Test…..

I remembered something I hadn’t thought about in a very long time. Years ago I was interviewing for a rather coveted job for those with sales career ambitions. At the interview I was asked to take a personality inventory, which I did. The next day I received a...
Ask, Seek, Knock

Ask, Seek, Knock

“Ask, Seek, Knock” is a concept the Lord had me explore deeply years ago…. Asking implies curiosity or a desire for information, but not necessarily a deep desire to know. Seeking suggests that one has a good idea of what it is he is looking for,...