Jesus’ life provides the template, the BEST example, of how we are to grow in six ways (Luke 2:52). Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy became the standard for understanding human development and setting institutional policies to support healthy populations after...
In a Facebook discussion there was conversation about “idolatry.” Such discussions always take me back to the ways in which God has dealt with it in my life. I had sought deacon ordination in The UMC starting in 2008 and was discontinued in 2017...
One meme on Facebook offered this: “Jesus sat down and ate with sinners, did he not? That doesn’t mean he supported what they did. But it also didn’t keep him from loving them.” I have been pondering the nature of godly love and what...
I had decorated for Christmas. I had been to a sweet, festive Christmas gathering among members of my extended family whom I see usually only for funerals or weddings. I had read and listened to Luke and Isaiah and other pertinent scriptures related to Advent and the...
What’s on my mind? ……Delighting in a lovely, unique Christmas card, the design of which is made using banana bark! On first glance one might see Madonna and Child with Dove….. but somehow it suggests to me, as well, Hagar with Ishmael as refugees in...
Thinking About Real Love Two Essential Elements of Love In God’s Image I’ve had several opportunities recently to reflect on the subject of “love”.. mostly in regard to Advent themes and the love of God for us and the call for us to love God AND love...