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The memory of pain, the pain of memory……

It’s been said, and I mostly agree, that the pain of childbirth is forgotten in the joy of the new arrival. My experience with childbirth and other physical pains is that one can remember that the experience hurt, but the memory of the pain itself is not acute...

Conflict of interests…..

My husband and I have been in a ‘new to us’ home for about six months. I had made a resolution to try and be more attentive to the plants at this home, which has a lovely yard. I had even begun to nurture some very nice potted plants in the lanai on a...

The sound of silence…

Our son’s family had been here for a week. Yesterday was departure day. Bill made two trips to the airport- once at 4:30am for our son’s flight, again at 10:30am for that of the daughter in law and the 3 children. When I arrived home from work at 4:30pm,...

staying humble….

If buying a personal watercraft had any potential for being an idol for me, yesterday’s delivery of it and the next two hours presented a challenge to that risk and helped me put it in proper perspective. The dealer delivered it to a boat landing about a quarter...

Feeling useful…..

I’ve been a member at my present church for about 8 years. I started teaching an adult Sunday School class about 6 years ago. One of the things I taught was the Willowcreek Network spiritual gifts class (three times). Now, finally, our church seems committed to...