by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Mar 1, 2024 | Friendship, Grace, grief, witness, work, writing
Hi, Friends. I want to share something with you I discovered recently in my own grief journey…. But first, I’m going to share a poem I read today. (See photo.) Two weeks ago on one day I had two people who brought my grief full face before me. One was an...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Feb 23, 2024 | dreams, spiritual journey, Spiritual Warfare, Uncategorized, writing
Much of what we read about Jesus’ ministry involves meals shared together. Sharing a potluck meal with strangers or entertaining at home is like placing a sacrifice of something of one’s self on an altar…. the shared table spread before us. We offer...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Feb 18, 2024 | Aging, growth
I tore through my teens, racing eagerly to do “life!” I trudged through my 20’s finishing college, getting married, having babies, starting a career…… all the things that “adulting” demanded and, at 29, believed I was a failure at...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Feb 17, 2024 | scripture, Truth
Some say seeing is believing. Christ says believing is seeing. John 11:40: “Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” What a difference a simple paradigm shift can make! One either believes and follows Christ or...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Feb 17, 2024 | desiring God, discipleship training
“….to know this LOVE THAT SURPASSES KNOWLEDGE —that you may be FILLED TO THE MEASURE OF ALL THE FULLNESS OF GOD ! “. Ephesians 3:19 I have observed recently a distinction between one who comes at discipleship with an inquiring mind, desiring simply...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Feb 13, 2024 | grief
This past week in one day I had two people inquire of me…… one about how Bill is doing, not knowing Bill had died. The other asking how I’m doing with my grief. Both came somewhat unexpectedly, but I was okay talking about it, then setting it aside...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Feb 8, 2024 | attributes of Christ, Words and Writing
Tonight a discipleship student was sharing some things God was working on in her and she said, “I learned today the words silent and listen are just different arrangements of the same letters! Did you realize that?” It’s the same way with...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Feb 7, 2024 | change, spiritual life, The Church, timing, Titus 2 Partnership
I have observed multiple times how the Lord gives a word, then years later gives a new persepctive on the word that totally changes the way one first heard and understood it! Such is the case with a word in a prophecy spoken over me just weeks before my final...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Feb 7, 2024 | Twelve Steps
Some view Twelve Steps as something only those with chemical addiction do. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is a useful foundational self-evaluation tool for spiritual, psychological, and relational growth. Some approach it with dread and anxiety. Abut I...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Feb 7, 2024 | home, Trust
From 2/7/22 journal I sleep with my bedroom door locked. Of course, all the outside doors are locked as well, but it just gives me an extra measure of security. If anyone breaks in, I have a few minutes of notice before they can get to me…. This morning I walked to...