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Time and Place, People and Purpose

Sitting in my sunroom in the late afternoon I can hear Montgomery’s trains in the northern industrial area running. In a while the bugle sounds and National Anthem will signal the end of the day at Gunter/ Maxwell Air War College just down the road. Neighbors on my...

The Fragrance of Home

When I was growing up there was a large tea olive tree that grew on the north side of our porch. Its fragrant flowers became a soothing balm for my adolescent emotions. In August I toured a garden home that I would soon purchase and to which I have now moved, When I...

The Wonder of God’s Love

Worth discussing…. “By Trey Ferguson @PastorTrey05 on X I have become FASCINATED by the biblical story of Isaac. I had a shower thought that turned into a bit of a whale hunt for me. But here it is: if you read Isaac as intellectually disabled, nothing about him makes...


The need for emotional literacy- to recognize, identify, experience, communicate and respond to feelings in a way that facilitates connectedness is a human need….. connectedness to self, others, and God. Humans have also been given an extraordinary accompanying,...

Disappoint the Right People

If someone is disappointed in me, they were looking to the wrong source for their happiness or security to start with…. Look to God in Christ. If you see Christ’s fruit in me, go and let him do the same in you! Then we can celebrate our shared life in Christ! Affirm...

Prevenient Grace

Salvation begins with our first wish to know and please God. It is Prevenient Grace that protects us and draws us there, to God himself. John 1:4John 6:44John 8:12Romans 1:20Romans 2:14-15 “God worketh in you, therefore you can work. Otherwise it would be impossible.”...

Being a Child of God

…”He is the Creator of our imaginations, our delights, and our interests. Positionally, before God and before the world, we are God’s child by covenant and union. But also embrace that you are God’s child personally and experientially. Seek to live a life full...

”Good Day” or “Blessed Day”

What’s the difference between telling someone to “have a good day” and “have a blessed day”? Hmmmm…… A good day desires for another a day with favorable circumstances and a positive outcome. A blessed day desires for another the presence and protection of God upon...

“Third Heaven” Revisited

“Isaiah received a vision. And it transformed his ability to see. It radically reordered the ways he viewed the past, present, and future. For a brief, life-quaking moment, the curtain was pulled back and he was able to catch a glimpse of the baseline reality of this...

Be The Answer

From journal 9/22/20..,,, For whom are you praying today? Is there something more God would have you do? Reminded of this: From 9:22/15…… “We’ll be praying for you.” Recently, someone shared with me her disappointment in circumstances after she made known...