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A Car Story

A car story: A good quality used vehicle was purchased at a very affordable price, no longer needed by its known and trusted owner of 5 years and offering some advantages to its new owner. All service record history was provided. It had a small insignificant part on...

To Be Known and Loved

“To be loved but not known is comforting but superficial. To be known and not loved is our greatest fear. But to be fully known and truly loved is a lot like being loved by God. It is what we need more than anything.” -Timothy Keller Authentic confessional...

Reframing Family

From 7/22/2021….   Time spent in conversation and prayer with a distraught young lady helping form a healthy, mature reframing of her assumptions about life and changes in the way she views herself and the relationships in her life.” Dealing with flashbacks...

Fear God

From July 23,2021: “FEAR GOD AND YOU WILL FEAR NOTHING ELSE,” GOV. RON DESANTIS I’m always surprised when I discover that many Christians don’t understand the biblical call to fear God. It doesn’t mean quake and quiver with trembling anticipation of being struck by a...

Learning To Have Difficult Conversations

Wisdom from Dr.Henry Cloud: “Learning to have a difficult conversation helps you solve problems. Now, this seems obvious, but it’s an important benefit of confrontation. Boundary conversations are geared towards addressing and resolving an issue that is keeping...

Silver Anniversary Remembered

26 years ago today-(July 22,1997) This was our 25th wedding anniversary, celebrated at my parents’ home in Georgia, near Newnan and Peachtree City…with our sweet little rescue terrier mix, Abby. The fact that we made it through that particular year was...

Still…. Happy Anniversary-ing

As a significant date is near……remembering. 7/22/22 is the 50 year anniversary of marriage to Bill, my husband who died of COVID 8/6/20, 2 weeks after our 48th. Marriage is a journey in growing individually, together, and in Christ. There’s nothing...


Loss and lament bring opportunities to be drawn deeper into the loving heart of God the Father, into the mind of Jesus Christ Man of Sorrows, into the comfort of the Holy Spirit consolation…….who know both intimately. (CBByrd 7/19/22) Tonight a small group...

When Testing Comes

Here’s another “ponderable” that arose from a conversation today….One person has stated that “life is a test” and she sees everything through the lens of being tested. I asked if she felt the tests were from the devil or from God....

Fullness of Christ

Ephesians 4:11-13 NIV So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the...