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Vonnegut: Perspective on Failure

By Kurt Vonnegut:  (posted 12/21/2020 by Michael Busch) “When I was 15, I spent a month working on an archeological dig. I was talking to one of the archeologists one day during our lunch break and he asked those kinds of “getting to know you” questions you ask young...

Life Under and Beyond Roe

From my 1960’s teen coming-of-age years until 1992, I was strongly pro-choice in my social views on abortion.  In 1992, the Lord gently spoke in my spirit and I had a total 180 degree change of heart.. It resulted in significant changes in my thinking about a...

Worthy Quotes: Charles Krauthammer

GO WHERE THE EVIDENCE TAKES YOU. “I was a Great Society liberal. I thought we ought to help the poor, we ought to give them all the money we can. And then, the evidence started to pour in. The evidence of how these grand programs, the poverty programs, the welfare...

We Be Hypocrites

A lot of people tell me they don’t go to church because they don’t want to feel like hypocrites. Well, why the heck not? Feeling the convicting work of the Spirit might make you quit doing some of the things that make you feel that way. We all do some of...

Authenticity Incited Criticism

  “If we were able to put aside our need for approval long enough to be authentic, then, surely, we would be living as the church.(Sheila Walsh)” This is a nice sentiment and has a Christian ring to it. i really appreciate Sheila Walsh and have great...

Jesus, Christ, Messiah

From E.Stanley Jones’ “In Christ.” (With some insertion of my SELF-talk as I read!) “…..we must explore what we mean by “Christ.” I came near saying “we must define,” but to define is to confine, and when we are dealing with the Eternal...

Good, Good Father

On this Father’s Day, I think about my own Father, and His Father who died before I was born, my Mother’s Father and some other special men who from time to time God put in my life and used to further flesh out the image of a “Good...

God’s Plan For The Boat

I will NOT quit…….. trusting that God has a plan. I will keep trying everything I can to keep the boat afloat in the storm ….. while we wait for that plan to become clear….. Including jettisoning the ballast, lowering the sails, breaking away...

Poetry: Journey

Journey I was on a journey, in a hurry, Not really sure of the destination, Knowing only that it was somewhere Other than where I’d been. I met and passed many along the way. Finally, one Traveler came alongside. He paced Himself to my stride. He engaged me in...