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Bingeing C.S. Lewis

I’m bingeing movies about CS Lewis tonight……. The Most Reluctant Convert The Life and Faith of CS Lewis Shadowlands Surprised By Joy I had read some of his works but I had not known how profoundly his Mother’s death when he was nine, having had...

Testing Experiences

“We put so much stock in our own felt experience of the grace of God that we lose touch with the actual fact of the grace of God. It is not our feelings that save us. It is the facts and our faith therein. It is the ephemeral up-and-down nature of our feelings...

Encouraging Other Future Helpers

From May 25,2019   I had such a sweet phone conversation yesterday with a young lady getting ready to start an accelerated BSN program in another state. She was referred to me by a friend who had worked with our program. This young lady has been volunteering with...

Learning To Read The Bible

Seen on Twitter: What’s your favorite “how to read the Bible” book? Several folks were weighing in with various authors’/theologians’ names or titles. My first thought: the Bible itself…. accompanied by prayer for Holy Spirit illumination and conversation with...

From Bible Study to Hungering and Thirsting

From 5/21/2018…. I had a sweet conversation with someone recently who shared with me that she had realized that all these years she’d been reading the Bible in a very simple, literal sense only and missing some of its meaning and richness and personal...

Water Pistols, Flies, and Termites

From 5/21/2019 Someone told me today that he envisioned me as marching on the gates of hell with a water pistol. I’d had another describe my efforts in spiritual battle as being more like a fly on the rump of a stallion. LOL! I guess others see my efforts in...

Morning Moon Shine

From a year ago..continuing to adapt and appreciate my townhome … (CBB 5/17/2022 ) “Full moon’s light shining in my window at 4:20 am…… a reminder of God’s goodness. It has no light of its own but reflects that of the greater light....