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Poetry: Infant Sleeps

From 197 Seeing all these pix of infants among friends at church and with my children’s birthdays coming up soon (40 and 38), I’m feeling sentimental about my young mothering years. A poem from that time of my life: Infant Sleeps What words can a mother...

Poetry: Infant’s Sleeping Smile

From 1973….. Infant’s Sleeping Smile I’ve stood by your cradle and watched you Dream your silent dreams. Empty they are of a language But filled with humor, it seems. So recently from His hand you’ve come The two of you still share A private thought between you...

Emerald and Diamonds

Years ago Daddy bought Mother an emerald ring. As I recall it was 1973. He mailed it to me in Montgomery to our  home on Moye Dr. Billy was a newborn. When it arrived I had no idea what to think. Recently, she gave it to me. It’s a bit fancier than what I...