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Taking Hits

When one says that “God told me to do …..” it would be prudent to spend some serious time in prayer and in the Word and ask oneself am I prepared to be used by God as a good example or even as a horrible warning, as God might choose or allow? As a vessel of...

HIdden Suffering

The matter of suffering and our desire to somehow avoid it in life has been very present lately as my awareness has been heightened by my own and others’ experiences…. One person told me she’d had a dream in which her abuser, no longer in her life,...

Watching Dead Come Alive

I visited this morning with a horrifically abused and neglected child-woman. We delighted in abundant morning glory vines, feathered heads of golden rod, and the warmth of sunshine mixed with a gentle breeze….. I marveled at her resilience, her gentleness, her...