by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Aug 6, 2022 | Ministry
There are times when one may find it necessary to step into the ring, even if it means hitting the mat after a few rounds……to let those who are unable to fight for themselves and those who are accustomed to taking vulnerable people to the mat on the first...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Jul 26, 2022 | Ministry
From 7/19/2018: Counseling, case management, and advocacy…..knowing which role to take when is a matter for prayer. What some don’t understand is that when I stand in the gap for someone, I have spent hours and hours in the spiritual and emotional...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Jul 17, 2022 | counseling, justice
Days can grow long dealing with an advocacy issue on behalf of an individual or family. Pray for those who are unjustly treated at the hands of people who want them out of their way and those who are too busy or too inconsiderate to care. It is amazing how a matter...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Jun 25, 2022 | action
You will recognize this quote, though you may not recognize the one who spoke the words. The Rev. Martin Niemoller was one of the heroes that stood against the terrors of Nazi Germany. Because his sermons contained sharp criticism of Nazi paganism, he was sent to a...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Mar 29, 2022 | action
Five years ago, a former Titus 2 student commented on a report of another student’s experience with learning to stand up for herself: “My ordeal wasn’t as serious as hers. I remember the day clearly when you told me I could stand up for myself. With...