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Aging’s Challenge

Three months before my 65th birthday the news from the orthopedic doctor was not what I expected. Recent foot pain in my left foot took me there thinking I might have a stress fracture. Alas, no. He says I have advanced arthritis in the joint on top of my foot that...

Looking Back at 2016….

(CBB-written in Jan 2016)   There are some, I expect, who wonder why I, at 62, continue to explore new “vistas”, pursue new goals, and continue going after ministry activities and opportunities with passion and energy…..because that’s who...

Sippy Cups …. and “As A Child”

I had a mother and her preschooler as houseguests a while back. She was preparing for departure for a long ride home and gathering some snacks. I offered her a couple of Rubbermaid flip-up straw sippy cups for him to make travel easier. Today as I filled my Tervis cup...


A memory shared from Mar. 27, 2014: “May 1983- 2 couples died in a plane crash near Montgomery, AL in route home from a vacation…..Gloria Galloway was one of those people. She was a classy and kind lady, someone I admired. She and Michael left behind two...