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Desires of Our Hearts

In December 2021 I visited an elderly lady, Jo Pate,  in a local assisted living center.  She and my mother had been friends 2decades ago.  Bill and I had known her husband, Stan, when they lived in Selma and we had each called on him when he was a buyer for a...

Aging and Ageism

Bill has said for a while now that he has begun to observe that our culture in general begins dismissing people who are “of a certain age”. The opinions of those who are no longer actively engaged in producing obvious economic value to others may be...

Joys of Aging….. (Not!)

From 12 years ago…… What was I thinking?? This had to have been sarcasm….. “….I just love the continued challenges and requirement for flexibility that the turn of the calendar page brings!” Ahhh, yes! This post was also 12 years...

Risks of Getting Old

A surgeon, planning to do surgery on an elderly gentleman explained to the man’s daughter his use of “5 F’s” to evaluate the suitability of an elderly person for surgery (beyond the obvious medical conditions and likelihood of surviving surgery...

A Time for Everything and Every Season…

After asking for prayer for a friend I shared some of our story together. I have been Power of Atty for nearly 2 years for a 93 yo woman widowed 3 times before age 40 who has no family. Her only child was brain damaged and after the second husband’s death she...