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Parenting Reflection

This is so true! I am at times dismayed by the behavior of some of my brothers and sisters in Christ who are so enamored of the culture of this world that they dishonor our Father, whose Word calls us to a different standard. From Dr. Maxie Dunnam’s Facebook...

“I Am A Disciple”

Worth restating: Declaration “I am a Disciple” I am a disciple of Jesus Christ. I am above and not beneath. I am the head and not the tail. I am the righteousness of God in Christ. I am accepted in the Beloved and His royal blood flows through my veins. I am a part of...

Driving Discipleship

From June 7,2017: Not all of what we do at Titus 2 happens in the classroom. In fact, much of it happens in the day to day coming and going and doing of life. One Sunday as we traveled to church, a young lady said to me, “Being a friend of Jesus is hard. No...