Consider this: If heaven is coming to earth, as we are told in Revelation and Matthew and for which we pray every time we pray as the Lord prayed, and, in fact, ALREADY the Kingdom of Heaven IS coming on earth, then what God’s people tolerate on earth is already being...
Most didn’t see the truth the first time…. Many will not see the truth this time, either…. until it is too late. Sing the hymn to the end.. “Do you see what I see?” Said the night wind to the little lamb: “Do you see what I see? Way...
There are moments when the Scriptures just all seem to “fall into place” and you go “Hmmmph, well I’ll be!” Today was one of those days. In our study of Genesis we were discussing Rebekah and Isaac. The author was reflecting on “typology” and how the Old Testament...
There was a time in my life, after I made a full surrender of all of who I believed myself to be to all I believed I knew of God, that God began to show me great and wonderful things in the Word. I was humbled and awestruck by the things God would speak to my heart...
Pastor Craig Carter, has asked our church staff to share our “big picture” prayers for ministries and missions. Some have already shared about their “big picture” hopes and prayers. Over the last week I keep coming back to one thought that...