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End times: God’s Next Move?

From 9/12/2017 “Wildfires across the northwest, earthquakes in California and elsewhere, hurricanes in the southeast, crazed dictators threatening nuclear missiles, the constant threat of terrorists, wars and rumors of war, reports of epidemics of antibiotic...

End Time: What If……

Four years ago today…… What if………I was at a restaurant with a couple of Titus 2 ladies at lunch and a woman with her back to me at the next table had a tee-shirt that said, “Be what God created you to be and set the world on...

Eschatological Hope

One of my devotionals this week asked where am I this Lent season with the way our world is- apocalyptic anxiety, apathetic indifference, or eschatological hope. JD Walt in a daily text this week wrote: “Rather than interpreting the Word of God in light of...